為讓內閣支持脫歐 英首相竟提前辭職!
英國時間3月27日晚間,為了脫歐議題已經奔波了兩年多的首相Teresa May 在議會上發表了一段很感性的聲明宣布,他不會帶領大家進入下一階段的脫歐談判。如果保守黨閣員支持他的脫歐協議,順利脫歐,他會提早下台,讓新的領導人帶領大家繼續接下來的脫歐,想藉此逼保守黨內部的硬脫歐派支持他的提案。
“This has been a testing time for our country and our party. We’re nearly there. We’re almost ready to start a new chapter and build that brighter future.
“But before we can do that, we have to finish the job in hand. As I say, I don’t tour the bars and engage in the gossip – but I do make time to speak to colleagues, and I have a great team in the Whips’ Office. I also have two excellent PPSs (parliamentary private secretaries).
“And I have heard very clearly the mood of the parliamentary party. I know there is a desire for a new approach – and new leadership – in the second phase of the Brexit negotiations and I won’t stand in the way of that.
“I know some people are worried that if you vote for the Withdrawal Agreement, I will take that as a mandate to rush on into phase two without the debate we need to have. I won’t – I hear what you are saying.
“But we need to get the deal through and deliver Brexit.
“I am prepared to leave this job earlier than I intended in order to do what is right for our country and our party.
“I ask everyone in this room to back the deal so we can complete our historic duty – to deliver on the decision of the British people and leave the European Union with a smooth and orderly exit.”
“我希望這個會議室的每個人都支持我的脫歐法案,這樣我們就可以完成我們的歷史責任- 兌現英國人民的決定,順利有序地離開歐盟。”
1. 如果他們在3月29日以前可以通過首相提出的法案,那英國可以緩衝到5月22日在正式脫歐。
2. 如果3月29日前首相的法案還是沒有得到議會的支持,那在4月12日前,議員們必須要給出一個新的脫歐方案。