英商首都教育嚴選|倫敦12大優質學區介紹 Part 3
9. Kingston
全英國最頂尖的學區是位於倫敦西南部的 Kingston 。Kingston 是英國最早被封為國王領地的地區作為最古老的皇室領地,該區域擁有34所公立中小學,其中24所被英國教育局「Ofsted」評為傑出,其中9所學校為居全英國最頂尖的10%。除了中小學以外,區域內的 Kingston University 是全球頂尖學校之一,該大學的視覺傳達設計、平面設計與產品設計排名全英第一,藝術設計專業常年位列QS世界大學排名TOP50左右,在2019設計、新聞與出版、運動科學、製藥等專業排全英TOP10。每年自世界各地湧入 Kingston University 的學生亦可以說是該區租房的主力軍。
- Elm Grove Day Nursery & Preschool
- Burlington Infant & Nursery School
- Alexandra School (Outstanding)
- Fern Hill Primary School (Outstanding)
- St John’s CofE Primary School(Outstanding)
- Coombe Hill Juniors(Outstanding)
- St Paul’s CofE Junior School (Outstanding)
- St Luke’s CofE Primary School (Outstanding)
- Eton College
- The Tiffin School(Outstanding)
- St Luke’s Primary School:(Outstanding)
- Collis Primary School:(Outstanding)
- Collis Primary School:(Outstanding)
- Coombe Hill Junior School:(Outstanding)
- Hampton School(Excellent)
- Surbiton High School
10. Sutton
Sutton 區位於英國倫敦西南部外城的第五區(Zone 5),作為全英國最好的校區之一,Sutton 以其高學歷居民而聞名也是優質公立小學的集中地。Sutton 公立中學每年皆在 A-Level 榜上名列前茅,多個學生入讀牛津、劍橋等名校。該區域共有42所小學,14所中學以及8所私立學校。
- Southfield Park Primary School (Outstanding)
- Westbourne Primary School(Outstanding)
- St Cecilia’s Catholic Primary School(Outstanding)
- Avenue Primary Academy(Outstanding)
- Wallace Fields Junior School(Outstanding)
- Sutton Grammar School(Outstanding)
- Glyn School(Outstanding)
- St Philomena’s School(Outstanding)
- Wilson’s School(Outstanding)
- Glyn School(Outstanding)
- Sutton High School GDST (走讀私校)
- Focus School – Carshalton Campus
- Greenacre School for Girls(私校)
- Wilson’s School(文法學校)
- Homefield Preparatory School (私校)
- Seaton House School(私校)
11. Wimbledon
- Bishop Gilpin C of E Primary School(Outstanding)
- Dundonald Primary School(Outstanding)
- St Mary’s RC Primary School, Wimbledon(Outstanding)
- Wimbledon Chase Primary School(Outstanding)
- Hollymount School(Good)
- Joseph Hood Primary School(Good)
- Pelham Primary School(Good)
- Ricards Lodge High School for Girls(Outstanding)
- Ursuline High School(Outstanding)
- The Study, Wimbledon 4-11歲 (ISI: Excellent)
- King’s College School, Wimbledon(Outstanding)
- Ursuline Preparatory School(ISI: Excellent)
- Willington Independent Prep School
- Wimbledon High School
12. Enfield
Enfield 位於倫敦北邊,是大倫敦地區傳統的集鎮,也是世界上第一台自動提款機設立在 Enfield 的 Barclay 銀行。Enfield 擁有便利的交通,搭 Overground 到倫敦 Liverpool Street 只需半小時,同時擁有 Victoria Line 和 Piccadilly Line 直達倫敦市中心也只需半小時。此區是英國著名詩人John Keats 以及英國著名戲劇製作人卡梅倫·麥金塔的故鄉。卡梅倫·麥金塔製作了許多舉世聞名的歌劇,例如:悲慘世界、歌劇魅影、Mary Poppins、Oliver!、西貢小姐還有貓。Enfield 相比其他地區,該區的房價相對便宜,環境友善,擁有便捷交通的同時,亦有多所頂尖學校。
- Eversley Primary School(Outstanding)
- Grange Park Primary School(Outstanding)
- Russet House School(Outstanding)
- St Michaels C of E Primary School(Outstanding)
- Carterhatch Junior School(Good)
- Capel Manor Primary School(Good)
- George Spicer Primary School(Good)
- Merryhills Primary School(Good)
- St Andrew’s CofE Primary School(Good)
- George’s R.C. Primary School(Good)
- St John’s C Of E Primary School(Good)
- Suffolks Primary School(Good)
- Enfield County Upper School(Outstanding)
- Highlands School(Outstanding)
- Saint Anne’s Catholic High School for Girls(Outstanding)
- Bishop Stopford’s School(Good)
嚴選教育活動|後疫情時代 英國教育與留學展望
- 時間:9/25 (五) 2PM – 4PM 、10/17 (六) 2PM – 4PM
- 地點:台北|台北101 57F (台北市信義路五段7號)
- 講師:從事英國教育顧問長達7年的資深顧問 —— Shawn Lee
- Agenda:
- 後疫情時代的英國教育展望
- 英國學制介紹&銜接
- Case Study 留學經驗談
- 英國中學代表keynote
- 音樂夏令營